Walkthrough of Little Princess - Reviews

Alt title: Xitong Zhi Xiao Gongzhu Gonglue

Walkthrough of Little Princess
RedHornet's avatar
Nov 20, 2020

I think it's supposed to be a spoof but even then it misses all the comedic punchlines hard with their awful delivery.

Like when a few chapters in and the "doting" father ends up breaking all the bones of the newborn MC and so she is put under 3 years of sleep. This was put in as something funny but I don't know who will think that as funny. I feel like they should have put a tag for child abuse instead. Almost killing your child is not funny.

3/10 story
4/10 art
4/10 characters
4/10 overall
PandaSue's avatar
Aug 10, 2022

I have never read such a scuffed official translation before. It actually makes it difficult to tell what's going on sometimes. The bizarre pacing of the story doesn't help either.

Also why does the hamster have such huge testicles? Is it supposed to be funny? I don't think there's much overlap between "people who find testicles funny" and "people reading reincarnated as a princess stories" but I could be wrong.

1/10 story
4/10 art
2/10 characters
2/10 overall
AdoreShoujo72's avatar
Oct 6, 2020

Guys, this manga is ridiculous! More than a real plot, it feels like a spoof or parody of father-daughter, romance, isekai manga like Who Made Me a Princess. Basically, this newborn princess baby has an excessively doting father (who is honestly so zealous that he becomes irresponsible). It leads to hilarious circumstances. Yeah. This manga is crazy, but entertaining as a way to pass time.

2/10 story
9/10 art
5/10 characters
6/10 overall
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