Polyamory - Reviews

Ponyo18's avatar
Aug 6, 2020

Jesus Christ, this was just one big hot mess. I don't even know what to say about the story other than is was so rushed. There is attempted rape and rape in a story that's only fifteen chapters!! And there are cheaters everywhere!! I have no idea what the f*ck was going in the time I was reading this.

Overall1/5 stars

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
2/10 overall
ReaperRiceCake's avatar
Aug 25, 2022

The title is a booby trap, and beware, the sexual abuse tag is missing !!! (rape) it really startled me.

I thought I would read a nice story about a main character who falls in love with two or three people at same time and ends to a threesome or more. Or why not, some psychological & social struggles about having more of one lover. But it's none of that, this manhwa has a real sad and bitter taste even if first smut scenes are not bad (pure sex, not really steamy). Next !

-- spoiler-- only neighbors are already polyamored.

The plot is a cheap & useless drama, about a woman who bores herself at home whereas her ass..le of husband is having an affair at work. Then she is assaulted & almost raped by her husband's colleague and then suffers a conjugual rape by her cheating husband. After divorce she goes with polyamored neigbor (charles jones theo). So it is not about polyamory except the last panel, that's a lie :)

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
3/10 overall
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Curiousmadra's avatar
Aug 6, 2020

So thanks to The Anime Man suggesting this in his recent YouTube video, I have officially read this as my first ever Poly manhwa.

Be warned weebs there are two rape scenes in this and it's defo targeted at 18+.

Even tho the story was rather rushed because obviously it was at 15 chapters, it did have somewhat have a happy ending for the MC. 

That's all I'll say about this "full of naughty scenes" manhwa...

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
6/10 overall
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Cheesestorm's avatar
Feb 5, 2021

As someone who is polyamorous, I had to drop a review that this was very meh. 

The "main couple" isn't even the polyam part, it's the side relationship. I could see where the mangaka maybe wanted to take the story, but it's not flushed out at all. 

Bland story, bland and unmotivated characters, decent art, but that's about it. 

Warning: Attempted r*pe at the end. 

3/10 story
5/10 art
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
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Velitya's avatar
Dec 1, 2021

From me, this story got 6/10, art got 7/10, and character got 5/10. Overall 6/10. 

If you didn't understand the stories or want to know the stories, below are spoiler.


The story is a bit complicated, tells the story of a new husband and wife. They move and are neighbors with polygamous women. The husband turned out to be having an affair and his husband's secretary liked him. Finally the secretary told her husband's affair. Almost raped by her husband's secretary, the wife was saved by one of the neighbors' husbands. Her husband's affair ended but they divorced. Finally, his wife (main character) married a neighbor husband.

The neighbor (female) married the neighbor (male 1) then remarried to the neighbor (male 2) who eventually married the wife.

6/10 story
7/10 art
5/10 characters
6/10 overall
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