Perfect Honeymoon - Reviews

Perfect Honeymoon
RenxHinaya's avatar
Mar 17, 2019

A married couple, on their honeymoon to Rome. But when she goes to get them both something to eat, she returns to the sight of her husband being kissed by another woman.

And she leaves. To continue her honeymoon by herself. And her poor husband, on a quest to find her, when he doesn't even know her phone number.

This is again a good read. With another love interest popping up, you are a little stranded on whom to ship with whom. The villain is more or less worth hating. And their love? Why not read it?

Artwork, according to me is kind of similiar to that of UnTouchable. Probably because of the lips I guess, I really dunno. It has a good character development, and a good plot 

Worth the read!

9/10 story
9/10 art
?/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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