Our Little Empress - Reviews

Alt titles: Agi Hwanghunim, Baby Empress

Our Little Empress
machiabeeli's avatar
Aug 2, 2021

A fluffy feel-good piece about a child female lead whose powers supposedly surpass God adopted into a dukedom with the most emotionally constipated yet attractive Duke. If you're into Who Made Me A Princess, you're in luck! The female lead, Adel, strongly resembles Athanasia from Who Made Me A Princess it's almost like she's a carbon copy sans the blonde hair and the reincarnation. The duke also looks like a negative copy of Claude, with black hair instead of gold and red eyes to replace Claude's blue irises.

The story thus far isn't much - we only get glimpses of the FL's cute face charming the entire estate and all characters she encounters. She isn't portrayed to be a strong female lead but rather a Mary Sue type of character - someone who is good at everything she does, with little to no challenge to oppose her rise to power. All the characters have clearly fallen for her charms and resolved their personal issues with a blink of her eyes and a smile directed at them. 

I already have a feeling how this manga will progress but it's okay. There's a time and place for this type of manga and there's an audience who's willing to read it - like myself. It's a guilty pleasure read with good art and a non-complicated storyline so far. And sometimes, that's enough.

7/10 story
7.5/10 art
7.5/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
Fantau's avatar
Jan 20, 2022

I am so annoyed with this story. I dropped around chapter 30 or something. they tell her NOTHING. N O T H I N G. So they dont explain anything and half of this manga is just her wondering about stuff that she should be able to get easy answers for? Are they going to leave me? Why am I important? Who is this person?

But no, every character has to go answering her vaguely or straight up AVOIDING HER in order for us to have a gd crisis every chapter. Its so annoying. i was interested in hearing the explinations which is why I stuck with it even as long as I did, but im sick of wasting my time. Dont even bother with this one unless its finished and you want to binge it or something. Because until that point its going to be incredibly frustrating.

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
2.5/10 overall
AFL's avatar
May 14, 2023

I kept on hoping it'd get better I KEPT ON.... but I can't anymore sorry. Can't believe I am dropping this after 93 chs. Art went from an 8 to a 4 after ch 54, but I was still ok with that. My problem was that why all of a sudden story and pacing is allover the place? I mean so many things happened in those 80ish chapters I thought years has passed considering even fl looked older, but daddy goes on and mentions she is still 8 I AM LIKE WTFFF??? Plus jeez why her "loving" family members are such annoying douchebags? I mean wth is wrong with her dad going all manwhore out of blue while blake is acting like an ass from the beginning to the end with the difference of loving her sister by the end idk anymore. sorry guys I guess not rly my cup of tea

5/10 story
4/10 art
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
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hevyn's avatar
Mar 15, 2023

90% of the appeal of this story was the cuteness of the little empress Adel. So when the artstyle changed in CH 54 and she became abruptly less cute, I lost most of my interest in this story, which is a pity.

5/10 story
?/10 art
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
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