One-Punch Man - Reviews

One-Punch Man
PharuanUndearth's avatar
Apr 14, 2016

I don't really like doing reviews before the series is finished but this one I have to make an exception for. (I did the webcomic first)


This is like the Anime/Webcomic which I am glad, all follow the source material to the letter, and makes this series a cut above the rest. The lack of deviation is why the entire series is beautiful. This Manga is drawn by Yuusuke Murata a very well know artist and fan of the webcomic. The comedic overtone and the really impressive fight scenes are at the heart and soul of the series. The introduction of class ranks and positions within the ranks; in-fighting and backstabbing at lower echelons is very intriguing. There really is no slow point in the series that I can recall, so the pacing is very good. In order the series that should be done is Anime-Manga-Webcomic. That way the story will drive you to stay with it. Well worth all the time you spend with it. Yes, there was some copy-pasting here but it really is a very good series that should be in anyone's top ten. Well as soon as we hit the Garou arc the following of the source material has now diverged, but it still is super good and a very good and surprising storyline.

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
TheGreatMoof's avatar
Mar 30, 2021

The story of the OPM manga is a bit weak even upon slight interrogation. Good thing, then, that Yusuke Murata's absolutely gorgeous art and ONE's really imaginative characters and story pick up the slack. It's an uncomplicated, fun, though occasionally inconsistent superhero story that at least has a lot more fun playing with its hero concepts than the last few decades of western superhero comics (DC and Marvel fans feel free to fight me irl). Saitama himself is the most interesting take on the "Superman" archetype that I can recall. Shame, then, that he's often left to run around in pointless side-plots or just be missing entirely until its his time to show up and deal with the threat du jour. It's a joke that worked really well earlier on but has worn a bit thin as time has worn on during this nightmarishly long Monster Association arc, so I may retract some of this praise later on. For now, though, One Punch Man is still a good bit of fun.

6/10 story
10/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
bobhikes's avatar
Nov 10, 2018

Love the anime One Punch man so I decided to read the Manga Vol 8 starts right after the end of the anime series 1.  It was just like the series, the humor the satire very good but I guess I'm not an manga person.  I like colors and reading left to right.  Comics were my forte and the artwork and colors my muse.  Anime is very similar but the manga being mostly black and white with the Right to left reading makes it work to read.  That said One Punch Man would be worth the work if series 2 wasn't coming out on Anime.

8/10 story
8/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
13batat13's avatar
Sep 15, 2019

Very nice story that succeeds in making a satire out of shounen shows nowadays. Making the monsters present themselves for 1 - 10 min by overpowering the heroes and showing theyre power to humanity just to later get one punched by Sensei Saitama is very satisfying and pleasent to watch and read.

Murata's art is AMAZING and very detailed. I can't say anything else, I am just out of words.

Due to the MC being the depressed god he is, there is not much to cover about him and therefore a lot of characters in the backround have a good backstory and ideals cover in the manga.


10/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
10/10 overall
charlesfinney's avatar
Jun 8, 2020

This manga is poorly written and I can't understand why anyone would give it a high rating.

If you write a story, you can't just say "Saitama fought in a tournament. siatama won the tournament, the end". You have to draw it out, create suspense and tension. However, the way this is done in one punch man is just dropping the storyline completely and switching to another in a way that doesn't make much sense and leaves the reader wondering what's going on. The writer will just abandon the story and focus on something completely unrelated, and then he'll abandon that and write about something else. He changes from the main story to side stories at the flip of a switch. It's like he's severely afflicted with ADHD and can't complete a train of thought. I think the anime is better because the story has been fleshed out and editted a little better.

 This manga is written for no other purpose than to nickle and dime the customer. A fight sequence won't lat a few cells or a couple pages, it'll drag on for 5-6 issues. And then another hero will fight for another 5-6 episodes.Before you realize it, 40-50 issues have gone by and absolutely nothing has happenned aside from a million cells depicting an action sequence. It's like the writer is engaged in a battle of attrition with the reader, seeing how long the reader will commit to reading utterly boring manga with no plot and stupid fights dragging on. I'd rather everyone in a fight sequence would die insatead of having 6to trudsge through another 8 episodes of some stupid fight between side characters that I could care less about.

The manga has an interesting premise and has some relatable characters but overall the execution is a chaotic money grab. The writer doesn't want to actually write a story, he just wants to pump out one issue after another of loosely connected images and no plot.

I'm at issue 100 and I'll be honest, I've learned to hate this godawful manga. it's horrible.

1/10 story
5/10 art
1/10 characters
2/10 overall