Nibiiro Musica - Reviews

Nibiiro Musica
WangXianUwU's avatar
Jan 29, 2023

This is a non toxic couple who have always liked each other in school then distance killed the friendship and they reunite not exactly knowing each other right away but it's really cute when they get together. The art is decent tho there was times for me I got confused on who was who especially with the side character that comes in but the smut was good. I want the kind of trust they have in each other tho. At some points I don't find myself invested in parts of the story especially with the side character whom just seems like a child *dunno how old he is but look wise just couldn't for me personally* overall tho I'd recommend at least one read through. 

7/10 story
7.5/10 art
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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