My Most Special Her - Reviews

My Most Special Her
SgtAnonymous's avatar
Jan 24, 2021


Often times romance manhua aren't moving fast enough. This isn't one of those. In the beginning, the pace seems as we expect. Girl likes girl, but doesn't know if it's mutual. It's the typical vanilla Girls Love romance story and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I personally love this 'limbo' phase. It's similar to cruising around a new town taking in the beautiful scenery. But then the confession happens. And it seems like we've taken the wrong turn. To the highway. 

Characters are introduced left and right, plot is injected, scandals are uncovered, back stories are rushed through, love triangles are shoehorned in, people are kidnapped, feelings are developed disproportionally fast, it's a total mess. There is no time to breathe to even understand how the characters deal with the situation. Whatever happens, happens. 

My Most Special Her (chapters can be easier found using the name 'She who is special to me') feels rushed. The main character is interesting but there is no time to dwell on her or her relationship. It's a fun Sunday afternoon read, but don't expect too much from it. 

5/10 story
7/10 art
4/10 characters
5.3/10 overall