My Cotton Candy - Reviews

My Cotton Candy
Kimmy300's avatar
Jun 12, 2021

This was the worst story to me ok all couples go through that phase when they have been together for so long and they start to question there relationship ok so? But u not supposed to take someone other then your partner side question him what was going though his mind same with her don't lie to him tell him the truth and how the brown hair B**** go seduce someone else man I understand that u liked him but that do not give u a right to bud in there relationship there she had the nerve to leave him in the end all she wanted was attention then when she notice she couldn't have it she up and left the main couple only went there some stuff normal couples whent though I'm pretty sure if they talked it out things wouldn't be this bad so I think this plot was the worst because who want a boyfriend that takes up for another girl and all he did was have sexual desires for her that was not love who want a girl Who can't speak their mind,who want a girl friend Who stole away from another girl like what's stoping her from cheating or leaving u and who want to date someone who knows u have a bf but keeps confessing like you always gonna be the second option so just stop it Anyways that's in my opinion

1/10 story
9/10 art
4/10 characters
2/10 overall
Diiii1234's avatar
Jun 9, 2020

I really hope Namjoon finds another girl other than those two.

8/10 story
10/10 art
5/10 characters
8/10 overall
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NeoArashi's avatar
Jan 12, 2021

The story starts of strong. I actually rooted for the main protagonist to break up with his hypocrite girlfriend so he could start dating the sweet girl that genuinely fell in love with him.

And for the first 35 or so chapter, I was hooked! Then the author had to ruin the perfectly ongoing story with one of the worst ending I have ever seen in any story, be it manga, manhwa, anime, or western media...

If the series stopped at around chapter 35-36, the ending would have been cliché but much more satisfying. But that ending alone destroyed all hopes I had for the series. If you go on Toomics (where the series is hosted online) look at the ratings: The first 43 chapters are highly rated, while the last 2 chapters are rated like 3 or 4 out of 10. The endig is THIS bad.

4/10 story
8/10 art
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
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OtakuMrPrince's avatar
Apr 1, 2020

Cotton Candy: Great Story, Good Stakes, Average Characters & Bad Conclusion.

Firstly, this has a good precise, not new but it's done a good way which lives you want more for understanding but sadly we don't get much of that.

The Stakes are average but with understanding help us feel for each character, or it should have we only get the guys view of the situation which was weirdly short it didn't help understand the narrative of everyone, like how he feel in love or what was on his mind when he had confirmed his relationship had hit the rock, his struggles e.t.c. 

With a lack of understanding of the main female leads leads to average character interaction, for the most part the characters interaction is realistic and understandable, things fall apart really fast and the blame goes else where.

And Lastly, the Conclusion: the message this story tries to pass across is "sinister", yes gold is better than Wood (I do agree) but A gold bullet aimed at you doesn't make you richer onces it's in your head. 

6/10 story
6/10 art
2/10 characters
4/10 overall
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