Miss Abbott and the Doctor - Reviews

Miss Abbott and the Doctor
RuedigersGlove's avatar
Jan 23, 2021

This was so great. I loved every moment of this, the romance was great, the humour was delightful, the characters were well written and the plot didn't drag like some other romance comics. I absolutly loved every moment of this and hope everyone else does too.

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
couchpotato365's avatar
Jun 23, 2021

This was a very cute webtoon and I really enjoyed it. All the adventures of the main character were fun to read and I read it at the end of each day to relax. It's a very fluffy and sweet story if you like that sort of thing.

7/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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Pilgrim3's avatar
Jun 23, 2021

This was such a sweet and wholesome story!!

The story was so adorable. Everything from the characters, plot to the humour was so well done.

I was a bit confused because in the beginning because the story's all over the place, but once it properly starts, it's just so good! Each story arc was interesting and adorable. 

I usually only read coloured webtoons/manhwas so I was hesitant to give this a go, but it was so good! Honestly you don't even notice that there's no colour!

The characters however is what makes this webtoon such a gem. Cati and Andreas are such genuine characters, and they feel like real friends; that's how well I know them! The progression and development of their relationship is SO GOOD and every interaction of theirs leaves me smiling. Loved the secondary characters as well! 

Overall, I would highly recommend this to all romance lovers!

9/10 story
9/10 art
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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