Mein Kampf: Manga de Dokuha - Reviews

Alt title: Waga Tousou: Manga de Dokuha

Mein Kampf: Manga de Dokuha
DrakeParker's avatar
Jan 2, 2022

This view on Hitler takes up through the turmoils of his life from beig rejected from art school to his time during World War 1. Though it might feel rushed in some places it does shine a light as to how he convinced the German people to rise up and make the German Workers Party become the infamous political group we now know as the Nazi party. 

With the influence of Anton Drexler and his original work "My Political Awakening" in German Beer Halls around the 1920's Hitler soon became the spokeman and figurehead of the party. 

The one question that is repeated throughout is "How did Germany lose the war?" according the Hitler he said it was the Jews, with this it brought a group of people within everyone's minds to blame; a scapegoat because with Hitler nothing exceeded German pride and putting the blame on a devasting loss as well as The Treaty of Versailles on the Jews grew that pride. 

In all though this manga with its flaws does show an inciteful synopsis of the way how Hitler rose to power as well as show a light in his younger years with a brief mentioning of how his hatred toward the jewish race started from. If your in High School or Middle School learning about WW2 I would recommend this to get a better understanding of what History books or the book "The Wave" was describing. 

9/10 story
7/10 art
9/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
Curiousmadra's avatar
Mar 23, 2022

I could never think I could stumble upon a manga about the well known sick minded individual who killed millions of Jews during World War 2…Hitler ladies and gents….

I discovered this manga from the Inside Japan Tours website and let me tell you, I was hesitant to read this manga because of the fact I am reading a real life criminal mastermind. Anyways I go in and at first glance, it gives you the “Attack On Titan” vibes since it is obviously about war and you get a short summary of how Hitler became remembered as the sick human of the universe as we know him today. It shows from childhood that his father wasn’t at all supportive of him becoming an artist and once his parents dies, he is gone into poverty and his anger towards the Jews grows even more. He participates as a solider during World War I and then afterwards he becomes the crazed leader of the Nazi Party.

Now this manga has 4 chapters but if you want a short rundown (or not) about Hitler, this manga might come in handy. I admit it is a interesting piece that but at the same time, it’s a sick to your stomach if you know the schemes of an actual dictator.

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
7.8/10 overall
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bunda6662's avatar
Aug 5, 2023

[S.O] In a world shrouded in shadows and treachery, emerges a tale of undying hope, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of a true hero. A masterful narrative that takes readers on an inspiring journey through loss, war, and the relentless pursuit of justice.

The heart-wrenching tale begins with a young protagonist who endures the unthinkable loss of his parents, setting the stage for a life that would be defined by adversity. Denied the dreams he once held dear, this indomitable spirit finds solace in the face of adversity, proving that the human spirit can rise like a phoenix even from the darkest of ashes. With the eruption of World War I, he courageously answers the call of duty, facing the horrors of battle with an unwavering sense of duty and sacrifice.

However, as the conflict ravages the world, it becomes evident that sinister forces lurk in the shadows, pulling the strings of power with malicious intent. The very country he swore to defend is ensnared by the malevolence of these puppeteers, driving him to a resolute decision to rise against the sinister hands controlling his beloved homeland. In this quest for justice and truth, the protagonist transforms into a beacon of hope for those oppressed and victimized, a symbol of resilience that ignites a spark of revolution

While the art in this manga may not be deemed breathtakingly amazing, it undeniably serves its purpose with great effectiveness. The illustrations, though not extravagant, aptly complement the narrative, skillfully conveying the emotions of the characters and the intensity of the events.

Yet, as much as we are inspired by the protagonist's ascent, the story's untimely conclusion leaves us yearning for more. We are left on the cusp of a pivotal moment, tantalizingly close to witnessing the ultimate confrontation between good and evil, with the protagonist poised to seize the power he so rightfully deserves. Alas, we must wait, our hearts suspended in a state of anticipation, for the resolution that promises to be nothing short of magnificent.

In conclusion, this unfinished saga is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, the pursuit of justice, and the unyielding resolve to combat malevolence. It grips our hearts with its emotional depth, inspiring us to face our own challenges with the same courage and determination exhibited by the protagonist

8/10 story
6.5/10 art
8/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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MangaXexperts's avatar
Dec 15, 2022

This manga is quite good but it felt unfinished. I hope there were more chapters. You can finish this within 20 minutes. It tells the background story of hitler how he became a political leader from a normal soldier. 

If anyone knows some good manga's etc about hitler plz let me know. 

8/10 story
6.5/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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