The Misfit of Demon King Academy - Reviews

Alt title: Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha

The Misfit of Demon King Academy
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Dec 2, 2019

Oh god, this is hilarious. I don't know why, but every time Anoth just straightforwardly says that fe's the reincarnated Demon King (which fe is), it cracks me up. And the way that feir parents act easily creates some of the funniest scenes. "The only one who can oppose me in this era may be my mother," Anoth says at one point, commenting on how even Demon Lords aren't entirely immune to the embarrassment caused by parents.

So the basic idea is that the Demon King Academy was set up to recognize the Demon King once fe's reincarnated. But when the actual reincarnated Demon King shows up, fe's not recognized as such. But fe doesn't much mind. Fe'll just dominate everyone into subservience and eventually they'll come to realize that fe's their founder and king. Or they won't. Again, fe doesn't much care either way; fe just does what fe does. It seems the story will have fem slowly build an army of followers, possibly all female and possibly all feir future wives. So far fe's met Misha and Sasha. I don't really find Misha's emotionless, doll-like look to be cute. And I don't care for the cutesy, sisterly hand-holding and breast-bonking Misha and Sasha engage in.

They've set it up so there's a nice, solid conspiracy which needs unraveling, so the story should be able to maintain my interest for a good while.

[Originally reviewed at chapter 12]

[Updated upon completeion]

Addendum: It seems this was cancelled. The final three chapters which we get consist of a brief story arc about Rei, a skilled swordsman, and about how Rei and Anoth click together (partly because Rei has the reincarnated soul of someone from Anath's past, though without the memories). There's also a fan club to Anath introduced. I suppose that if this story had to be cancelled, at least it happened after a storyline came to a close and before the next storyline started.

STORY--9 > 8; CHARACTERS--8 > 7

8/10 story
8/10 art
7/10 characters
8/10 overall