Makenshi no Maken Niyoru Maken no Tame no Harem Life - Reviews

Alt title: Cursed Sword Master

Makenshi no Maken Niyoru Maken no Tame no Harem Life
Maru69qrd's avatar
May 28, 2022

QRD: Sex, Swords, small but barely decent plot, alright characters you got the formula for the isekai genre. It's alright, but still too early to be over critical. I'd like to remind people that this is the isekai genre we're talking about so go in and take it with a huge grain of salt. For the ones who are curious, you'll take one look at the protagonist and think "this guys FUCKS".

5/10 story
6/10 art
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
Powexistent's avatar
Aug 17, 2021

The manga is essentially a parody of many others isekai, and like many in the genre (Ex:Konosuba,FFF Class hero) it's bloody amazing.

10/10 story
7/10 art
10/10 characters
8/10 overall
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