The Witches' Marriage - Reviews

Alt title: Majo no Kekkon

The Witches' Marriage
nivlex's avatar
Jun 2, 2023

Quite and interesting and innovative world setting where witches get into relationships with each other to gain magical power. So far there hasn't been too much in terms of backstories and world building but seeing the relatinoship between the two hard working wives slowly develop, with one being straightforward and virtuous while the other hides her feelings to maintain a cool facade. Most of the manga is filled with cute day to day witch experiences as they try to deepend their bonds and get stronger. About halfway through it becomes more of a competition between couples at a witch school as the plot begins to progress rapidly.

The trials and tribulations the couple face as they deal with their insecurities and learn how to be honest and truly help each other are quite well represented, however it does seem like it's the same insecurites coming up over and over again so in that sense it's a bit repetitive.

Additionally all the witch designs are very cute and overall the art is quite good.

7/10 story
8.5/10 art
7/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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