Dahlia in Bloom: Crafting a Fresh Start with Magical Tools - Reviews

Alt title: Madougushi Dahlia wa Utsumukanai: Kyou Kara Jiyuu na Shokunin Life

Dahlia in Bloom: Crafting a Fresh Start with Magical Tools
Heinztothebeans's avatar
Jul 2, 2023

This is a really good manga, I liked the characters and the way the story is going. However, it is not a completed series for those looking for a series to binge - I had to learn this is hard way ;-;. There is currently only 6 chapters out in english so I would recommend people to hold off reading this if you aren't willing to wait for the updates as manga like this typically tends to update slowly (depending on the manga obvs).

Saving you guys the heartbreak of wanting more but not being able to get it lol.

9/10 story
7/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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