Luanshi Qiu Chong - Reviews

Alt title: Chaos World Prisoners Love: My Bad Marshal

Luanshi Qiu Chong
786Cookie's avatar
Jan 23, 2021

Honest to god, don't bother with this f*cked up manhua. The fl is treated like an actual dog. I'm not lying, I mean the ML literally forced her to wear a horse's rein and carry about the b*tchy mistress. He also let people whip and beat her and made her stand out in the cold without any clothes like wtf. I cannot read this anymore because the FL isn't even being treated as an actual human being. My cat is living like a king compared to her. Dropping this because they're taking pitiful FL to a new extreme. F*ck this sh!t.

0.1/10 story
4/10 art
0.1/10 characters
0.1/10 overall
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