Little Matcha Girl - Reviews

Little Matcha Girl
Qiart's avatar
Aug 22, 2023

Little Matcha Girl a very well written webtoon but that has too many plotpoints.

For now it got at least near a dozen plotpoints to explore. For example the story about the reaper was fascinating to read. But I have not seen him in the story for at least the last 30 chapters. If you also include the exploration of at least Mathilda family and the main trio background well we are in for a long ride. I dont mind if the art quality and storytelling stays this strong. For me this is the kind of webtoon that is best read per season or when it is already finished. 

PS: Anime-planet please change the cover picture it does not do the beautiful art justice. 

8.5/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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Rh123's avatar
Mar 7, 2022

This is soo funny but dark at the same time. Our FL is fighting the expectations of her family while trying to discover herself. Although her backstory is quite *questionable*, she turned out pretty normal which is surprising. There are a lot of cute family moments as well as friendly moments. There is no romance yet but it'll happen soon. Luckily the focus is mainly on the plot and on the FL herself. It's a nice read especially for binging.

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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