Little Busters!

Vol: 2; Ch: 11
2008 - 2010
3.969 out of 5 from 43 votes
Rank #4,801
Little Busters!

Riki, Rin, Masato, Kengo, and Kyousuke are five high school students who have been friends since they were young children. With their carefree school days rapidly coming to an end, the gang wants to do something fun and crazy like they used to and in the heat of the moment decide to form a baseball team. Calling themselves the “Little Busters” the friends begin to recruit new members and start practicing. But even though they’ve managed to secure two new teammates, with everyone getting distracted by a multitude of other things from sorting out cleaning duty for the boy’s dorm to helping a girl find a roommate, will the Little Busters ever be able to find enough members, or for that matter even have time to practice?

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