Life Cry - Reviews

Life Cry
Creed5667's avatar
Feb 14, 2023

The story is fun and unique in the game genre, a hardcore survival game with a realistic aspect of no status unless going to a  temple, the only annoying thing i really have is the mediocure art, I would absolutly love this more if the art wasnt so unpleasent to the eyes, the characters also feel underdeveloped and with the art makes the actual reading kinda bland. If they reworked the art of this series I would love to read more.

9/10 story
6/10 art
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
MangaXexperts's avatar
Apr 14, 2022

The art of this manhwa is a little bit on the mediocre side. The story is quite good. The main character plays the game how normal people play it. He has no cheats nor he charges through the whole game with otherworldly skills. The pacing is slow but it never gets boring. Characters are also well polished and react like normal humans. The world building is also a strong point of this manhwa. 

8.5/10 story
6/10 art
8.5/10 characters
8/10 overall
Tetwisted's avatar
Feb 27, 2022

I gotta say, It's not that interesting as it seems. Well at least for now, but I had high hopes bc od the description...

3/10 story
4/10 art
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
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