Kouga-san no Kamiguse - Reviews

Kouga-san no Kamiguse
Ilikefemboys1's avatar
Jul 10, 2023

a very cute and unique manga with a simple premise and story (thank god.) im not gonna go into the story because thats what the description is for, overall its a very cute manga with some cute scenes and characters, but if there was one thing i had to complain about its that i think its at least 1-2 chapters short, the last story arc is the school festival. during it two conflicts arise 1. Kouga wont bite Mochida, and 2. some random dude tries to get with Kouga. both of these are kinda rushed being dealt with in a chapter or two (chapters here are very short.) the short version is that the rival is not developed… at all and the first one is dealt with in literally one chapter. i think if they extended this for at least one chapter it wouldve been great but its still really good.

8/10 story
9.5/10 art
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
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