Kodoku Experiment - Reviews

Kodoku Experiment
Nightterrer's avatar
Feb 16, 2024

Although this has a lot of "Alien", "The Thing" and other famous movies tropes like military bad, military use alien for personal uses. But that doesn't mean it isn't very interesting for example of how the creature/monster reproduces and how it can use radiation to help reproduce and it's super cool seeing it based in reality but the  other ways it can is something you find out if you read it yourself since I'm not going to spoil it which I  but now with the art style and can I just say on how amazing it is and how it makes everything feel so vast and yet so lonely. one of the best things I've read. READ IT NOW IT'S WORTH YOUR TIME.

7/10 story
10/10 art
8/10 characters
10/10 overall
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