Knights of Sidonia - Reviews

Alt title: Sidonia no Kishi

Knights of Sidonia
bunda6662's avatar
Feb 28, 2022

It starts of a little slow and you may feel like dropping it but by volume 6 it picks up steam and you actually want to keep reading it. The story is what it is, it is crude and raw and never shows you the effects of characters actions in the grand scheme of things, just leaves you with a weird feeling, but I guess that is on purpose. It also feels a little episodic at times. The art is very good, clean and sharp, but, at some parts, a little confusing during battles. The characters are also just there, you get to follow them without being show their backgrounds or motivations for the most part, but I guess this is also on purpose to show how everyone is disposable in that ship. This is definitely worth a reading.

7/10 story
8/10 art
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
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