Kino's Journey: The Beautiful World - Reviews

Alt title: Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World

Kino's Journey: The Beautiful World
mayuzumix's avatar
Nov 11, 2019

I'm only on the first volume so don't be harsh on me...


Kino was just a young lad traveling before being stabbed 'by accident' because a father was about to kill her daughter. Kino dies, unfortunately, and they try to take the daughter away, her name is unknown, but before they move, she goes on a motorrad and drives off. She cuts her hair like Kino and says her name was Kino. She acts like Kino and meets strange people.


I give this a 9.3 because the story is good but it was kind of confusing. It says 'chapter 5' but it was actually chapter 1.

It's great. It's characters are unique because they all have different goals on one thing. On the train tracks, Kino sees one person who is taking the tracks off, another who is cleaning the tracks, and another who is adding tracks.

10/10 story
9.9/10 art
10/10 characters
9.3/10 overall
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