King of Wolves - Reviews

Alt title: Ourou

King of Wolves
bunda6662's avatar
Jan 1, 2024

This is Buronson's story with Miura's artwork—what's not to like? The story proves engaging and manages to captivate the reader. My only gripe lies in the main character's overly emphasized concern for preserving the course of history, which somewhat detracts from the enjoyment. As expected, Miura's artwork is astonishing. True to Buronson's style, of course, the characters had to be very manly. So, if you don't like that stuff, if you're a woman, or if you are effeminate, this story is definitely not for you. Overall, I would definitely recommend this manga to those interested in a story with a lot of history and time travel crafted by two legends

6.5/10 story
8.5/10 art
7/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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