365 Days to the Wedding - Reviews

Alt title: Kekkon Surutte, Hontou desu ka?

365 Days to the Wedding
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Jan 8, 2021

First things first, it's the realest (realest). Naw, just kidding, but I do appreciate how it leans toward more natural human interactions rather than the stupid web of lies drama that can stem from these types of fake relationship stories (such as what Rent-A-Girlfriend does). Like, they explain the lie to the family essentially right away. And, they don't pussyfoot around the inevitable development of them gaining real feelings for each other. It's settling into a nice, heartwarming romance between two attention-averse and conversationally-challenged coworkers at a travel agency. Obviously, the fake marriage will probably still play a role, since they'll have to decide whether they want to actually get married or not and since there's still the whole mystery of the phone calls that has to be dealt with. But I imagine that it'll largely just focus on their budding romance. Marriage itself, and contemplations about it, is a recurring theme.

I've really enjoyed the artwork. It's crisp and cute. It makes good use of switching up angles and detailed backgrounds in addition to the characters feeling completely on point.

[Reviewed at chapter 28]

6/10 story
10/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
HikenNoAsxce's avatar
Sep 27, 2020

Takuya & Rika work in a Travel agency and lie about getting married so neither of them gets transferred to the new Siberia branch.

A simple Warning, this is not particularly comedic or dramatic. This is a mellow story that slowly explores the lives of two loners. The guy is kinda wimpy and the only friend he has is a cat he adopted. The girl is aloof and the only thing that is on her mind is MAPS. just maps. Neither of them is interested in marrying so it's intriguing how this lie will bring about change in them.

This is a slower burn and if you're interested in a more harem comedy story than skip this. But if you don't mind enjoying a slow manga about two different but similar people possibly getting together, give this a try.

8/10 story
7/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
QueenOfTheFairys's avatar
Mar 25, 2023

Its really great. i love the fresh take on marriage and all the questioning. it feels so realistic with their views on relationships and romance. i also love the side charecters and their journeys. i binge read all avaliable chapters instead of going to spanish class and i honestly don't regret it.

i also personally believe the two leads are neurodivergant but thats just me.

9/10 story
10/10 art
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
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greenleaf75's avatar
May 29, 2021


okay, if this doesnt explain a cute and wholesome romcom then idk what will. man i know their goal is a bit weird but the way the story truns out its really amazing. The characters are the cutest and most of the time i can relate to them since i have been like them all my life so if you are introverted then this manga is for you.

8/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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