Juujin Taichou no (Kari) Konyaku Jijou - Reviews

Juujin Taichou no (Kari) Konyaku Jijou
MinRei's avatar
Aug 15, 2020

The art is good 9/10 for me but will disregard that in the overall score.

The rest no. I don't like what's happening, the law about noble beastkin mark of proposal. magical organs what not.

I don't like most of the characters especially the uncle of the mc, he had his son and niece exchange organs because hers has magic? and to top it off this happened when the mc's mother died. He came searching for his niece for her magical organs.

The ml is no better than the uncle, he basically troubled this 13 yrs old child by bitting her (even if it was an accident due to him undergoing the transition of adulthood, puberty is what I would like to call it minus going berserk) which grounds her to be his fiance for 3yrs and the implication of the law is that she cannot leave the capital until the mark disappear, but instead of apologizing when he visits her, he dead ass asked "why did I bite such a kid?"

The cover is misleading, FL is 13 while ML is 25.

The bite scene was scary. I don't want to be a part of this experience.

1/10 story
9/10 art
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
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