Juujika no Rokunin - Reviews

Juujika no Rokunin
trashpander's avatar
Oct 29, 2022

tbh, it is pretty gory, and terrible all together, but something about it is just interesting to me. Oddly a lot of rape, and the character don"t really have a reason to their evil doing. Even if it just seems like an outlet for the author whos extremely messed up, I didn't HATE the manga.

7/10 story
9/10 art
6/10 characters
7.7/10 overall
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WonderofU129's avatar
May 10, 2021

This manga is fucked up. It hurts to read this just imagining what's gonna happen but somehow I feel refreshed after reading it like I can vent out my anger on the characters when they're being tortured. That was a joke it isn't perfect since it contains rape which I pretty much hate but i guess that's just how revenge stories work.


8/10 story
8/10 art
10/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
beelzemobabbity's avatar
Dec 22, 2022

This manga is just constant punishment and no pay off. To the point it isn't even good to read. If your manga makes readers want to just read the last chapter and be over with it, your manga sucks. 

He kills the guys, but every time before he kills the next were introduced to a new friend or character, always a girl who will later be killed or raped, most likely both so we can be totally convinced they deserve to be killed only to go on to the next. 

There was a moment when he was discovered by the cop, I though "oh this could be interesting, either he will try to help him or escape it'll be interesting either way!". Nope, just kills him, not even intentionally. All the characters are treated like that, built up just for the sake of you feeling bad when they die.

I'm not even sad when they die, I'm more frustrated because each time it's a missed opportunity. I dropped it when he finally confronted the main guy and they wheel out the 4th girl they've decided to chop up this time. Oddly enough no male victims.. hmm. 

On that point 

Its interesting to me, and I noticed this while reading that the author, multiple times showes the rape and sexual harassment of girls, in a specific fanservice with a perfect view kind of way, but chose to show none of what happened to iruma? It's pretty heavily implied that he was raped but we see none of it despite seeing the main girl even be almost raped multiple times.

If there is a girl character with a name, she will and has been raped. 

I dropped at 70ish so this could change, but I think it's odd that the clear fl is the only one who's been attempted to be raped but it didn't happen... Almost like the author thought she shouldn't be.. 

At this point it's just a pain to read, you don't feel any satisfaction from them being killed just relieved there's one less to sit through. 

I will say the art is pretty good when it's not being used to draw huge tits and rape, I like the mc enough, he's interesting and I think with better characters around him he could have been really good. 

I think that's the main problem, the story is interesting enough to sit through but the characters don't mean anything to me. There's not much time to connect, and even the only one of the villains that seemed to regret, it wasn't explored. We don't see mc feeling like he might have made a mistake, just a small panel of him looking shocked. 

So really just read others, there are better ones out there with this premise, that are actually a good read despite the gore unlike this.

6/10 story
8/10 art
4/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Dunkey2's avatar
Nov 4, 2021

Juujika no Rokunin is easily the darkest story I have ever experienced. It goes beyond "edgy" and dives headfirst into the realm of "truly fucked up", chapter after chapter.

Unfortunately, the story is yet payoff the unrelenting edginess. So far the story has no takeaway, no message, practically no character development for the protagonist...and so, I've come to the unfortunate conclusion that all this darkness is just there for shock value. It's really not meaningful in any way.

In terms of good points, the art is expressive and dynamic, and the villains are so irideemably evil that you'll start to share in the protagonists' hatred.

Reading this story is like watching a burning car crash - meaning, once you latch onto it, it's hard to look away. But that doesn't mean that the series is anything special. Overall, 7/10. Engaging, but not much else.

7/10 story
8/10 art
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Marquessofmoons's avatar
Dec 8, 2021

Its pretty good but there is two big problems for me 

1 the chapters a pretty short 

2 the assault scenes (r*pe) are pretty graphic so if you can't stand that this isn't for you (every couple chapters there assault scenes)

This is just a little annoying but for like 20 chapters they make this girl to be a love interest but than introduce a new girl that becomes the new love interest but it isn't finished so it may change,

9/10 story
10/10 art
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
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