Jinrui wo Metsubou Sasete wa Ikemasen - Reviews

Jinrui wo Metsubou Sasete wa Ikemasen
Maru69qrd's avatar
Jan 16, 2024

QRD:A solid child care taking/slice of life comic. Osamu adopts Lilin after she becomes stranded and shenanigans ensue. It's a shame it got axed but for the 31 chapters it has it really conveys that sweet fluffy warm feeling, with genuine heartwarming moments and panels that illustrate the moments in a perfect manner. It’s got laughs, goofs and gaffes, as well as diabetic inducing scenes. Another good one to pass the time. For those that want more fluff I’d also recommend “My Sister, The Cat” or in its other name “Imouto wa Neko” for easier search purposes. 

8/10 story
10/10 art
8/10 characters
10/10 overall