Jinrou Game - Reviews

Alt titles: Jinroh Game, Werewolf Game

Jinrou Game
emptymind's avatar
Dec 5, 2022

Sooo.... I liked it.

The plot wasn't THAT original (re: Town of Salem), but I still found it interesting, especially with the twist end. Although It did have a few plot holes, and the MC was a little frustrating, it was still a good, short read, and I am very excited to read the sequel. 7/10 would read again

Trigger warnings: slurs (r word), fatphobia, drug use

7/10 story
7/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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stravberry's avatar
Dec 16, 2019

I anticipated and expected a lot of the plot, but it was still really good. There was quite a variety of themes and the story was enjoyable. The only downside is how short it is. I would have loved to see her play her second game and how it would've turned out after all the change and experiences she's been through.

6.5/10 story
7/10 art
7/10 characters
6.8/10 overall
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bunda6662's avatar
Feb 22, 2022

This is the first part of the story and introduces the game. There is nothing really new and the characters are so-so. The art is just average but gets the job done. All in all it gets better in the 2nd part.

6/10 story
5/10 art
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
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