Itsuwaribito - Reviews

Alt title: Itsuwaribito Utsuho

Snowyfoxs's avatar
Jul 29, 2015

      This story is about a "liar" or an itsuwaribito named Utsuho and his travels after the loss of his family and desides to help 1000 people by using good lies. While on his jorney he met many people that treat him and themself as each others family and have many different goals for their life. On their journey they met  more people to join their "family" and faced many problems to solve in order to help the ones in need. (some problems with the story though is that the first few chapter is just about can a lie be good or bad not that intresting but i guess it was needed to gain popularity and was also because of the uncertainty if the series was gonna last that long)

     The character design isnt super amazing simply because there are way too many of them that share one plot. While some gets a lot of attention other simply fall in the dust. For Pochi one of the chacters simply do not do anything after his first appearence untill later in the story even though he is in the plot at all times just to be a mascot chacter.

Spoliers(though not much)

WHen hes on his jouney he hears about a treasure that can almost grant all wishes after he Utsuho visits his friend at the village of explosives. He and his gang decides they want to collects all the 7 treasure (I know it sounds a lot dragon ball Z) to grant the wishes of his gang(more or less)

10/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
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