Multi-Mind Mayhem: Isekai Tensei Soudouki - Reviews

Alt title: Isekai Tensei Soudouki

Multi-Mind Mayhem: Isekai Tensei Soudouki
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Feb 28, 2020

What sets this apart from other isekai manga is that when Sanai and Masaharu are reincarnated into the body of Balud, Balud's soul doesn't dissipate or merge with theirs or something. Instead, all three personalities coexist within the body, and at times one personality will take complete control of the body. It's sorta like fe has multiple personality disorder. One of feir personalities has a hilarious obsession with money and another has basic knowledge of modern day technology. So when those two combine, Balud ends up introducing several advancements in technology and creating partnerships within the merchant world in order to grow feir wealth. Fe also ends up gaining political strength. And feir wit and fighting capability enamor fem to almost all the women fe meets along the way. I guess I appreciate that this manga doesn't go the route of having fem actually partner up with every woman, but it also doesn't go the route of having fem act scared or chaste. Instead, it has fem choose to be with some choice women, usually because fe's spent large amounts of time with them and has developed relationships of trust. Though to be fair, as of this writing, fe has yet to do anything beyond kissing. Several of the side characters are funny or cute. My favorite character though is almost certainly Balud's mother Magotte. Fe is absurdly strong, but can also act adorably like a maiden in love at times. The scheming of the Mauricia king is also pretty enjoyable.

The artwork can get sloppy. And while it's never horrible, it's also never beautiful. A recurring technique the artist uses is to draw blacked out eyes on characters, especially side characters. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

[Reviewed at chapter 53]

5/10 story
5/10 art
7/10 characters
5/10 overall
raithena's avatar
Feb 28, 2022

It starts of as decent for an isekai manga and was good till like ch 40 after that it started going downhill, they once showed the king making brash descisions but they had pretty good reasoning to back it up however as the story progresses he became a dumb king who didnt even know whats happening in his country or who is rebelling against him or who is the traitor for god sake and it started getting really annoying, the only good character is probably the mc's mother. 

Art was way to bad and just randomly changed scenes and locations.

5/10 story
3/10 art
5/10 characters
4/10 overall
Manthika's avatar
Jan 1, 2020

A manga I admitedly judged by its summary and skipped over many times for saying "animal ear otaku" and finally decided to try (for lack of other options) only to find it being (surprise) no good, if for other reasons.  It's boring.  The art is mediocre.  The characters are hardly introduced and there's no attachment to any of them.  There doesn't seem to be a plot, there's no hook, there are no redeeming factors that I can find. 

It's not the worst thing I've ever read, but it was an utter waste of time all the same. 

1/10 story
4/10 art
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
Klra's avatar
Sep 3, 2020

A good Manga

Although the art is meh the story is engaging enough that it outweighs the art.Great manga for a new isekai reader.

8/10 story
5/10 art
9/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
RandomGuystrolling's avatar
Jun 7, 2021

Art is okay, characters are allright first part of the story is meh but starting from ch 50ish the story is getting more interesting. Before ch 50 there are no conflicts few fight scenes and generic isekai story but after ch50 there are wars, regional conflicts, politics, and better, longer fight scenes

8/10 story
7/10 art
7/10 characters
7.5/10 overall