Iron Virgin Jun - Reviews

Alt titles: Iron Maiden Jun, Tetsu no Shoujo Jun

Iron Virgin Jun
MylesWesleyKent's avatar
Jul 27, 2023

This story was...okay. Nothing grand. And there were moments where the comedy and the erotica mixed very well. But I just feel like it could have been done better. Me, I have no problem with muscular women - in fact, they're one of my top list of kinks. Though I do wish that the art was a bit better, because I would love to see the beauty of women with muscles being displayed on paper; and it being a bit more graphic with the lewdness wouldn't have hurt. I didn't understand why Jun Asuka's aunt was muscular and attractive, while her mother was muscular and...well, hideous. Why couldn't both be beautiful? A woman can have big muscles, but still be feminine. And I get that the story was an erotic comedy, which is why they used different extreme methods for Jun to lose her virginity, but it just didn't really work for me. Though this may make me sound like a perv...I liked the sex moments - hey, I'm a heterosexual guy who's looking at women experiencing pleasure; what did you expect? And I guess the story was trying to say that a woman doesn't need a man in her life to be strong, and while a woman may not need a man to be strong, she's still a person with needs, and so let her have love in her life. I also would have liked that Jun and her family her direct ancestors from the actual Amazons from Greek mythology; and they eventually moved to The Amazon Rain Forest - which is how it got its name.

But I suppose that Jun and Kurata giving their "first times" to each other was a nice touch. But...that was it. That's how it ended. Seriously, why couldn't someone come up with a better ending than that? But it is what it is. I would like this manga to be rebooted into something more comedic, adventures and more lewd. Maybe a limited anime series.

4.9/10 story
4.9/10 art
4.9/10 characters
4.9/10 overall
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