Interview with a Murderer

Ch: 53
2018 - 2019
3.838 out of 5 from 419 votes
Rank #10,332
Interview with a Murderer

As a reporter, Clark has interviewed many criminals but never a murderer. Enter Alex, the Triage Killer. A serial killer who kills in three, he agrees to an interview so long as Clark offers one thing in return: himself. Murder after murder, question after question, Clark will learn why Alex kills. And Alex… he will learn Clark isn’t as innocent as he seems.

Source: Tapas

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Instantly added to my favorites list. I'm a sucker for psychological stories or dark twisted ones. This story is twisted and I loved it. The plot and the intriguing characters kept me interested the whole time.  The ending was so satisfying when Clark killed Alex and the words Clark said to him. Alex thinking wow I'm dying by the person I love and Alex thinking Clark loves him so he can stay with Clark forever and ever because keep in mind that's exactly what Alex does to everyone that loves him. And then just to get his dream crushed by Clark's words and omg the face by both of them I loved it. Clark just pretty much said there's is no meaning behind this you're just simply being murdered and I hate you enough to kill you 💀 soo cold 🥶 Clark loved Oliver so much I wish Oliver could've seen that. It's pretty much obvious throughout the whole series Clark loves Oliver. Clark tries to manipulate Alex because he was doing it all to protect Oliver. Regardless I think Oliver would've died because he confesses to loving Alex and Alex kills those who loves him as he has major abandonment issues. Alex killing the people he loves means they will stay with him forever. So it's just heartbreaking that everything Clark did was pointless. But man Clark's manipulation game and being emotionless was beautifully written. Man is on another level of twisted himself but I genuinely loved his character. I'm glad Alex died, having abandonment issues doesn't justify killing people. And I was so mad when he killed Oliver because Oliver was such a kind hearted person. My poor baby Clark those last panels reminiscing about Oliver 🥹😔💔 he truly loved him.

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