Ikenie Touhyou - Reviews

Ikenie Touhyou
emptymind's avatar
Dec 6, 2022

Interesting enough first half, in fact I quite enjoyed it. However, it should've stopped there. I don't give a single fuck about the new characters in the same situation, if I wanted that I'd read fanfiction!! Also a little boring. Couldn't get past the 40th or so chapter.

The first half was good in that the stakes weren't as high, but they still felt as high. I think I'd take public embarrassment over actual fucking death, but a lot of these kids felt the opposite. Also, the twist ending was pretty good. Alas, the second half boring and I couldn't finish it. 

The art was OK. It did felt pretty Junji Itoish sometimes, but fell flat on the non scary parts. We're supposed to have characters that ARENT ugly too. 

5/10 wouldn't read again

Trigger warnings: teacher/student relationship, s/a, incest

8/10 story
7/10 art
7/10 characters
5/10 overall
Ajay5849's avatar
Jan 14, 2023

First half was OK I enjoyed it but those fuckers Students were idiots I don't like Fmc Justice at all Second half was very boring So if you don't wanna waste time drop it I am idiot wasting time for it 

6/10 story
5/10 art
4/10 characters
4/10 overall
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