Idol House - Reviews

Alt title: Urijip Idol

Idol House
injory's avatar
Jan 6, 2023

i would've loved this more if the romance was written better. the love story is really cute but it just lacked any spice to it. honestly, it was a little boring.

i'm livinggg for the character diversity! each and every single character was unique and that was probably my favorite part of the entire story. all their personalities just fit together like peas in a pod and they all had a different story backround that's developed throughout. the character-development is great and i like the chemistry between all of them, even with the side ones.

it also discusses topics of mental health, family issues and the pressures of being an idol. the way the author even tied in the american culture when they went on that trip to LA, loved it. that kind of variety is what made this read so enjoyable. though i feel like this would've been perfect if the romance had a little more depth to it.

7/10 story
7/10 art
9/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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Manthika's avatar
Aug 26, 2022

From start to finish, there are lots of great things about this manhwa.  The characters are all unique, even the side characters.  When the MCs went to America, the author and artist nailed American culture for the most part and had actual characters of colo and with taller heights than Asians.  The idol culture and socmed portrayals are very well done.  The representations of mental illness and the dangers of the media and fame are decently done. 

It's really sad that the romance was done shoddily.  I say that, but I loved the progressing for the first 56? 57? Chapters?  Then, as if they were rushing for the finish, they tied up loose ends terribly unnaturally, threw in some soap opera, skipped 5 years to an epilogue, and called it happily ever after.  

My rating for the first 2/3rds or so of the manhwa would definitely be 7 or 8 but due to the ending bugging me so much and the (imo) OOC actions taken by a certain character or two... I have to rate the overall story at just above average.  Endings are important.  You shouldn't rush them just to be done.  

6/10 story
6/10 art
8/10 characters
6/10 overall
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Curiousmadra's avatar
Oct 7, 2021

I ship Irei and Minhoo atw 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Hate red head tho 😤

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
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