Hyulla's Race

Ch: 57
2015 - 2018
3.715 out of 5 from 192 votes
Rank #17,594
Hyulla's Race

Jung-Woo Surh developed Gynophobia because of his trauma when he was younger. Even as a college student he is still afraid of woman, but Hae-Soo Yoon is a angel like existence for Jung-Woo because of his fear. He starts dating after thinking he could trust Hae-Soo, but while putting everything he has on line for her he falls into debt and gets cornered. After he gets betrayed by Hae-Soo the person to save him is the most beautiful girl of this college, and the famous professor Eun-Na Pi. What is this beautiful teacher after, and why did she help Jung-Woo?

Source: MU

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