How to Use a Returner (Novel) - Reviews

Alt title: Hoegwija Sayong Seolmyeongseo (Novel)

How to Use a Returner (Novel)
beuhnoix16's avatar
Aug 7, 2022

Review as of chapter 58.

I haven't read that far yet because I just loved the story so much I wanted to see a part of the novel adapted into manhwa. Now that it's been done I will start reading it again, somehow I can read this story for hours straight and I don't get bored at all.

If you're coming from the manhwa it's better to know that the novel doesn't have the same tone as the manhwa. It's purpose isn't to make you laugh like in the manhwa where a lot of joke were added. The story is actually quite dark and they censored quite a bit of stuff in the manhwa to make the characters less evil looking in my opinion. It still makes me laugh sometimes but I'm definitely not enjoying it for the same reason as I enjoy the manhwa. 

I find the characters really well written, there isn't a single character that I don't love yet.

Ki-young is the type of character I really love, he is garbage but true to himself and he knows where he stands. 

Ha-yan, I really like her, probably as much as ki-young especially since she is a yandere, seing how her personality became twisted really was a feast (I love story with psychological/mental health issues aspects).

The story is quite average but with some nice twists,I quite like the fact that he isn't the regrsssor but the guy who will "ride the regressor's bus". He isn't OP from the start, he needs to use his brain to survive and doesn't hesitate to be a trash person or to lower himself if needed to survive. 

I am really looking forward to what this novel will offer next.

10/10 story
?/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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