House Mayton's Youngest

Alt title: Mabeommyeongga Mangnaeadeul

Ch: 47
2022 - 2023
3.84 out of 5 from 995 votes
Rank #10,209
House Mayton's Youngest

As the author of "Swordmaster Sade," Cha Sungmin had no idea how dangerous his plot-hole-riddled novel could be until he's reborn as Rasen Mayton, a spoiled side character destined to die at 17. As if being stuck in the body of a rude scumbag despised by everyone wasn't enough, Sungmin also discovers that he was reborn at a point before his story began. With almost no knowledge about the current timeline, will Sungmin be able to survive in this unwritten world as House Mayton's youngest?

Source: Tapas

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