Hoarding in Hell - Reviews

Alt title: Jiogeseo Doksik

Hoarding in Hell
MonarqueCeleste's avatar
Jun 28, 2022

What was I expecting from a dungenwha? This is such a waste of time. Don't be fooled by the art of the few chapters. Actually even in the first few chapters you can see many problems. So the setting is pretty basic, world full of dungeons, people having abilities, you know the drill. MC doesn't have anny power but one day he gets a gift from his estranged dead father. It's a necklace he plans on throwing but keeps. Long story short it's a kind of device that lets him go back and forth between real world and an apocalyptic future world where he gets stronger. That's the gist of it.

The MC is a moron. Frankly it's annoying seeing him interact with others. I miss the cool Korean dude that we got in every manwha lately. At least they weren't annoying. This one doesn't know a thing. The world is frankly just glanced over and not explained at all. And when you think you know what's going on the author does a 180 and introduce another trope of these stories out of nowhere and that's when it becomes pure horse excrement. I won't even talk about the little thing he obtains in the earlier chapters that's as annoying as him.

All that to say don't waste your time.

4/10 story
6/10 art
4/10 characters
5/10 overall
Shimejii's avatar
Jan 22, 2024

Got AXED at chapter 60, at an odd spot, not really worth the read because of it.

Read something else as this wont leave you with a satisfactory ending.

5/10 story
9/10 art
5/10 characters
1/10 overall
Tetwisted's avatar
Dec 30, 2021

Seems to be another gate/awakener type Manhwa, has a LOT of potential to be good where it's headed, but I hope it doesn't fall into the route of Solo Leveling, where he just turns more and more OP without any backlash and/or obstacles. 

The art is great and for now, that's the only part we can actually review.

?/10 story
9/10 art
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
MangaXexperts's avatar
Mar 9, 2022

It is quite good even for a dungeon manhwa. It has some sort of uniqueness to it. The main character can move between future and present. He can also use the items he got in the future to help him in the last. In the future the whole world is destroyed and he is the only human alive. The future where only monsters exist and he is the last human. He uses the experience he gained from the future to save the world from absolute destruction. The art of this manhwa is very pleasing to the eyes and the story is also very good.

8/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
DrakeParker's avatar
Dec 30, 2021


Kang Hyunmoo is a sewage cleaner who belongs to the lowest denomination of Hunter, a class that isn't even considered a hero class. He spends his days cleaning in a hazmat suit so he wouldn't become infected by the mana that resides in the sewage. However after his "father" died he and recieve a dungeon return stone he suddenly finds himself in the future with the words Difficulty: Hell in front of him. 

Slowly he sees the evolved monsters and dies over and over again but with the system assisting him he survives each time, but at this point he doesn't know if this ability will work in the present day. 

The more he becomes comfortable in this future hell the more abilities he receives as well as more mana crystals which is a valuable commodity, which also gets the attention of several high rankers, but they don't know where he gets it. 


I am usually not very spoiled about the art quality or format , but this manhwa was one of those detailed webtoons that's becoming more and more popular these days.


You can see how much Kang Hyunwoo is becoming arrogant toward more powerful foes and to me I believe he should still act a bit more humble. Although he can't quite control his power yet which is fine (though it does lead to a cliched moment with an OP character) he shouldn't still be acting high and mighty even though there are other more powerful people tht could be in the same room as him. 


The story.. isn't special. Usual Weak to Strong story that you can find basically everywhere. Though the plot is somewhat used consistently in koean webtoons today the thing that makes this different within the first few chapters was that instead of the training being in an actual hell or in a training room that has a glitch and he can't return from; Kang Hyunwoo actually somehow gets transported into the future and he sees the destruction which these dungeons and monsters caused as well as the riches he could gain from it.

Though the plot is quite used up today with the video game graphics only the main character could see and the ability improvement system that only benefits him, the story could be different than other similar ones on the web today. Though that depends on how the author and illustrator depict their story in the future. So for now take the first few chapters with a grain of salt and don't expect much originality and wait for later chapters for the full story to evolve, hopefully creating a wider world that could become something entertaining. 

6/10 story
8/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall