Hiyokoi - Reviews

pookiedynamic's avatar
Aug 12, 2018

Hiyokoi is one of the best manga I have ever read. The story shows how despite differences not only in height but in personality, love always pulls through. I personally dislike harem and too much drama so this story is perfect as while there is moments of drama, it is usually resolved quickly. The art is fantastic and I love how the two main characters look. The characters themselves are wonderful as well. Hiyori changes from a shy nervous girl with no self confidence into a bubbly young woman who is open to new friends and ideas. Yuushin changes as well as he learns what it means to love someone like Hiyori. All the characters develop throughout the story which is something I love. I truly love this manga and would recommed it to everyone.

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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