Marry My Enemy - Reviews

Alt titles: Emperor Doesn't Want to Be Too Bossy, Zhen Ye Bu Xiang Tai Ba Qi

Marry My Enemy
xxNEETxx's avatar
Jan 4, 2022

I was sad when this manhua ended. To me it ended all too soon. I loved the chemistry between the MCs. They started out as rivals, and I loved watching the push and pull between them.  I was on tenterhooks wondering if this was the day her secret would be exposed. I just loved the twists and turns of the storyline. The things the MC did to avoid detection! It was a constant cat and mouse chase. Overall, this was a cute fluffy story with little angst. The artwork is first rate. The ML is not overly aggressive or overbearing. There's no harems.

9.5/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
Webooo's avatar
Apr 26, 2020

In this story the emperor dies and the only heir to the throne the prince also dies so to keep the prince's death a secret they dress up the prince's twin sister as the prince and make her the emperor.

(I wrote a description of what happens in the story cause at the time I read this, there was no description on anime planet)

5/10 story
7/10 art
5/10 characters
6/10 overall
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LuckyM's avatar
Jan 22, 2023

It was very meh. It was a decent read, and had a good ending. Just wasn't as fulfilling as it could have been. If you have nothing else to read though it isn't bad

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
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