Hinadori wa Shiokaze ni Madoromu - Reviews

Hinadori wa Shiokaze ni Madoromu
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Sep 6, 2021

A very nice yaoi story. All of the dramatic twists and turns feel like they flow naturally, like they perfectly fit with how the characters would act. And the characters' personalities and motives all felt realistic and understandable based on the backstories they were given. Ryou's backstory was pretty intense, and even though it was foreshadowed, I still wasn't expecting that one thing that happened. <--Me trying not to spoil things... While the romantic developments between Yuuichi and Ryou are nice, I think my favorite parts of this manga are the interactions between Ryou and Ayumu. Ayumu is definitely the glue that makes the entire story work. That said though, that one line where Yuuichi said "If your worth increases from being rounded out...after weathering struggles and being hurt, I'm sure that there's someone who will think of Souzaiya-san as a precious jewel" just made my heart flutter and made my smile go all gooey. In addition to being unintentionally suave as fuck, that line connects to the through line in this series--the sea glass and the secluded beach where it is found. And speaking of lines, I thought Ayumu calling Ryou a "wolf in tiger's clothing" was an adorable piece of childlike phrasing, while also feeling like it had some profundity to it. The artwork was also very attractive and pleasant. The sex scenes were appropriately hot (though not the most immersive or steamy) and the heartwarming scenes were appropriately adorable. It was a good series.

8/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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lybaa's avatar
May 30, 2021

I absolutely recommend this story! The characters are very well planned and have depth. Their past stories, their emotions are very well explained and making the story much more intriguing (unlike other many Yaoi doing fanservice only with superficial characters and plots). The development of the relationship between the main characters is very natural and nice to read. I think this manga is seriously underrated by the other reviews and would recommend everyone to read it who expects more depth to stories. Well, it also has fanservice since the characters are very handsome/cute :)

9/10 story
9/10 art
10/10 characters
9/10 overall
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Curiousmadra's avatar
May 23, 2020

Good Yaoi, legit I nearly cried when the nephew cried 😭

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Saral's avatar
Apr 11, 2021


I mean it was cute, Ryou's relatu with Ayumu warms might heart and how Ayumu was collecting sea glass for Yuichi was adorable especially when he started to cry about it. I wish it was longer but it told the story well Overall: nice and cute

6/10 story
5/10 art
6/10 characters
5.5/10 overall
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