He's a Predator - Reviews

Alt title: Hoshoku-sha Kisumi-kun

He's a Predator
Emy95's avatar
Dec 18, 2021


I like this, it's not so chilling nor so lighthearted, it's a good blend with this comic's take of the obsessive lover trope, furthermore usually they are a newcomer but in this case, they are long ingrained in the protagonist's life, it was really interesting to see the MCs past relationship dynamics! All in all, it portrays the classics of the genre with this intriguing approach. 

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Curiousmadra's avatar
Aug 13, 2020

It was actually interesting from the start but then the seme became a major asshole with locking up the uke just because he's not really returning the feelings back at chapter 4.

I suppose I shouldn't have ignored the title instead of looking at the gorgeous art..

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
4/10 overall
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Thatblackhairedgirl's avatar
Dec 11, 2021

Ok the seme is crazy possessive and the uke is really kinds dumb but like ok

4.5/10 story
6.7/10 art
4.3/10 characters
3.2/10 overall
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