Hatsukoi Losstime - Reviews

Hatsukoi Losstime
plumesq's avatar
Jul 4, 2022

It's a rare gem, a masterpiece and awfully underrated. The story is in a sense, similar to Your Name, where there's a problem which causes a phenomenon to happen and the victims of the phenomenon work together to solve the problem. I think that it's a really beautiful story because of how well it's tied together. The story does a good job in linking back to previous chapters and the evidences of what actually happens is evident if you look and read closely. 
The end is linked back to the start, and the start is linked back to the end. The story is whole in that sense.

Although the story might be confusing because of the Sci-Fi, it makes sense when you read closely. The fact that it's able to tie the story well and do this at the same time is amazing.

I definitely think this would be a good story, perhaps even a top selling story, if it was adapted into a movie. 

10/10 story
10/10 art
8/10 characters
10/10 overall
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