Happy Sugar Life - Reviews

Happy Sugar Life
Grldwnstairs's avatar
Oct 5, 2023

I really don't like this series like AT all.  It's funny how people only mention this anime saying that the main character is lesbian or bi or whatever (don't know don't care) without ever mentioning the fact that the main character they are talking about likes a girl in elementary school. It's also funny how they say it's good lgbtq rep when it really isn't

Plot: main character and side characters are all thirsty for an elementary school kid.

Main character: the main character is a stereotypical emotionaless girl that found said elementary school girl abandoned and took her in. That's when she started developing romantic  feelings for her. She became over protective and became a wannabe yandere

The other characters: am gonna be completely honest with you guys, the side characters are not special or important in anyway. They are copy and paste and were probably thought about last minute to give wannabe yandere girl someone to throw hands with. 

Art: wasted talent. That's all I have to say.

Overall: don't buy or read. It's not good and will probably give you a headache. The side characters are bad and basic. The main character needs to be put in jail and taken to therapy. And the elementary school girl needs to be taken by cps 

If I got anything wrong or if you see any spelling mistakes I apologize 

1/10 story
10/10 art
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
puppynyan69420's avatar
Jan 11, 2024

for a long time i also thought that Happy Sugar Life was just another edgy fest like the awful joke that is Mahou Shoujo Site, however after watching this:In Defense of Happy Sugar Life , youtube video my view on it was changed for the better, they go really in depth about the themes presented in the story and talk about the panels layout which i found particularly awesome because its such obvious details yet with my mind fixated on judging this as everyone normally judges it as, "loli yuri age gap romance" i couldnt see the beauty in the panel designs and the overall portrayal of the story in the toxic lens of only Satou, i think of course that Happy Sugar Life is not for everyone, but idk i still'd recommend it

6.5/10 story
8/10 art
5/10 characters
7/10 overall
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