Grandpa is Summoned - Reviews

Alt titles: An Oldman in Counterworld., Jii-sama ga Iku

Grandpa is Summoned
goldengradient's avatar
Sep 13, 2020

I love the concept and the art. It's crisp, every character has realistic features. However, I spent a lot of time hunting for a version I could read. When I did find one that seemed to have all the conten, there was a disconnect between what was happening and why. Suddenly he'd be doing something somewhere with no explanation of why or later referral back to what he had been doing. The pages numbers were in order but the story didn't make sense. If there's a better copy out there I couldn't find it.

1/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
4/10 overall
regeqrhg's avatar
May 12, 2023

it follows the story of an op old man who was isekaied into another world, he tries to live a simple life by selling tea and coffee and travelling around. hes a nice person pretty laid back but not naive.

the side charaters lack depth and personality and the story doesnt seem to have goal if i may say? but i guess thats also what makes it intersting since u r not supposed to take it too seriously.

to sum it up this is a good story to read as a break, its pretty simple and wholesome no weird ecchi stuff just an old man doing old man stuff. 

8/10 story
8/10 art
7/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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