Gordian Knot - Reviews

Alt title: Gorudiosu no Musubime

Gordian Knot
PharuanUndearth's avatar
Sep 2, 2019

The gordian knot has a great premise it's just the characters are very two-dimensional you got a violent girl with a submissive guy, that's Japan. He always has the catchphrase, "The Gordian knots been untangled," holy God can you be more cliche. I would recommend like one read it's nothing special it is something different, what's the only word for it it's nothing that grabs your attention and says read me it's more of a like oh that's interesting I might like to read more if I don't have anything else to do.

7/10 story
8/10 art
2/10 characters
5.7/10 overall
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