Game (Dodam) - Reviews

Game (Dodam)
BLxQueen's avatar
Jul 28, 2020

Short, confusing, and unsatisfying. Feels more like a rough draft idea for a story  rather than a polished final work. 

2/10 story
2/10 art
2/10 characters
2/10 overall
tumanosaule's avatar
Aug 17, 2021

the idea was good, but the story is too short. i liked the artstyle, the characters were fine. but still, it needed to be a lot longer.

6/10 story
8/10 art
6/10 characters
5/10 overall
CloudNine15's avatar
Nov 26, 2023

The abused was actually finding pleasure in being abused by his father. That’s why you see him say “should I provoke him more”. I’m guessing that in order to survive, he ended up having a kind of Stockholm syndrome of some sort. His anger and obsession at his father’s death makes me think it could have been a little incestuous too.

So the vampire, hearing the pleasure in the abused’s cries outside the door instead of agony, knows that this kid is actually enjoying all the pain his father gave him. The vampire having all those whips and stuff, his hobby and tastes I guess, was attracted to not just the blood but the possibility of having the abused to himself. There. They have a truly messed up relationship but it’s rather equal

I got this from someone elses comment. But this is really what the short manga was.


?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
5/10 overall
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