Forget Me Not (Nao EMOTO) - Reviews

Alt title: Soredemo Boku wa Kimi ga Suki

Forget Me Not (Nao EMOTO)
Owakun's avatar
Sep 14, 2022

Spoiler wanrning:

It's a good read, Great for people who wants to binge read something. The story is pretty much realistic and the drama is good. Many people hated the ending tho(I'm kinda having mixed feeling about it) Arcs are great makes you wanna feel loved(except for breakup parts) the series kinda fell off once he got the job at a brewing company and everything felt rushed. I thought he'll be ending up with the girl who took him to the hospital but he never met that girl.

Major spoiler: He'll end up with one of his exes. (Not sure tho, the manga ended with him talking to this girl on the phone saying he wants to meet up) 

7/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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HmsDawnga's avatar
Jul 31, 2021

TBH i said too much on my own Hadread list about this so i ran out of things to day,


I recommend it due to it being realistic, good drama, great characters, well developed and mc's growth and life romance bs

also a bit of psychological, art is wayy better than what i expected from the cover,

although i praise it a lot, there are a lot of stuffs im dissatisfied/angry about but im too sleepy to adress them

overall, dont miss out on this one if you like drama and suffering without death bullshit

8/10 story
8/10 art
10/10 characters
9/10 overall
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