Flowers May Wither but You Remain - Reviews

Alt title: Kkocheun Sseokgo Neoneun Namneunda

Flowers May Wither but You Remain
Tyki06's avatar
Mar 15, 2024

Its amazing how much the author makes the mc trip, fall, or faint for a man nearby to conveniently catch her

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
3/10 overall
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DeiMadepo's avatar
Mar 5, 2023

Took inspiration from "Jane Eyer", so, it really does have the same feel reading it like reading "Jane Eyer". It feels like a spin off. If you read that, you'll porbably like it. I do believe that it's quite an interesting story. It really does have me locked in just like "Jane eyer" did and it's both predictable yet intrigueing. 

Soft spoilers? Similarities to "Jane Eyer": you will notl ike the ml. That's just how it is. Fml seems to be wasted on him. You just have to get throught that. That's what this story is. He is however a bit redeeming but iver all not a good or even likable person so you kind of het why he has ppl that hate him. There's a ghost that is not an actual ghost but a person, fml is conservative, wounded/broken (just like the seemingly perfect ml), older looking bc of her character traits, because she had a harsh past and bc of that she's atractive to some characters, especially the ml during their talks and so they do build genuine feelings for one another. But, just like the novel of "Jane eyer" it has troubles mostly of not being open, keeping secrets and so on as, seemingly per cliche to all drama related content. Oh, and of course, the class difference is a heavy topic and a heart ache to the fml. The biggest difference is that the ghost is not his spouse (but you can guess easily who), the fml is actually the one older but also not by a lot but it is mentioned a few times without much need to point that out, tbh. So, it does heavily relate to "Jane eyer" where I find it didn't need to. They could taken more creative liberty or leaned more on that. Like the age doesn't seem to be a problem at all, or is, as I menationed, almost uselesly being pointed out. But it also been just a few times so it gives nothing to the plot, so it is easy to ignore. The thing is that tey mention the ghost but drop it for a ehike then mention again almost like they forgt about it for some time. So, it's yet again a good drive for the plot but it should be more present like in "Jane eyer" bc now it seems almost like a gimic just to be remember when it suits the plot almost like plot armour. It could have been better, bc the use of the ghost in a story explains a lot, even tho it's different from the novel. So, it seems almost strange how it's not there sometimes. It seems that for the fml the biggest issue is the class difference and his fiance, while for him everything stems from the ghost problem. It has almost to none conection to the fml. Which is a bit odd. I do believe it has it's own issues and liberties at this manga, it's not perfect, sometimes seems boring-ish (?) bc you really do get the sense that you know exactly what will happen but it is intriguing in it's own way and you want to see if you guesst right almost. Not to mention that you do want them pull through or to see the fml finally growing, the ml to realize what he lost only when he'll lose it but see him fix thigs too, you know? (As of writing thins read till chp 70). At least, that'm my thoughts on this. You might have diffrenet experience/feeling with this, so, feel free to read. I don't believe it'a a waste of time. It's a good read. Nothing outragously new or to die for, but not so annoying that you just have to drop it. Good. Simple. At times convinient but still intriguing. A piece of clasic problems and ppl that are not perfect nor typical, so it somehow makes it realistic. I liked it.

8/10 story
7/10 art
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
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MidnightLace's avatar
May 2, 2022

I am definitely invested in the story. It’s interesting and different from the other I am reading. But I can't stand the ML. I just, hate how he's using the FL to break off the engagement to his fiancé. When everything comes crashing down, like the ML plans, it's going to pinned on the FL. She's going to loose her job, her reputation with be gone and or ruined, and she's mostly going to be slandered in order to cover up the ML's actions. Then the ML will realize his feelings for the FL too late; I know it! AGH! 

Update: I find the at this point story annoying and the circumstances that the FL is put into stupid. The FL is too smart and too good to be falling for a trashy, entitled asshat. Honestly, it’s bullshit. He doesn’t deserve her. He is going to ruin her life and regret it severely, and when he does I hope she never forgives him. He doesn’t deserve forgiveness after everything he’s done. Like I get the ML is suffering from neglect/abuse from the father and step-mother, and is only putting up with it all this to keep his little brother safe/keeping him from having to endure the same things he went through. However, at some point he needs to take a step back and ask himself, “Is hurting all these people, including the girl I’m falling for, worth it?” Because he’s hurt plenty of girls; I believe one of them attempted or committed suicide (correct me if I’m wrong). Which was a direct cause to him getting stabbed, even though he organized it. I just can’t stand it anymore, and I’m dropping it. I wasted 50 chapters on his bullshit and antics. By all means tell me if he gets a really, REALLy  good redemption arch, but at the moment,  I’m not wasting anymore of my time reading this.

6/10 story
8/10 art
3/10 characters
5.6/10 overall
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Aielmi19's avatar
Apr 11, 2022

This story is criminally underrated and I hope to see a lot more people reading it in the future.

The characters are complex and interesting with unique behaviors and motives. The world outside of the family is estate is developed and I feel that is often lacking in these types of stories. The plot that isn't the typical they meet and fall in love story. 

A breathe of fresh air in this genre.

10/10 story
7/10 art
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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