Feng Shen Ji - Part 2 - Reviews

Feng Shen Ji - Part 2
ILoveLucifer's avatar
May 5, 2020

Just plain fantastic. The art is phenomenal, some of the best I've ever seen.I've ran into comics with art that's occasionally on the same level, but never better. It speaks for itself. The character designs are also insanely good.

The characters all have depth, and there are lots of good ones. One of my all-time favorite supporting character arcs is in this volume.

The story is also quite interesting and coherent. The volume ended in a much better way than I'd ever have predicted. The story wasn't finished but in terms of narrative flow, it was the perfect place to take a break. Not an obvious way or time to do it, but it turned out fantastic.

Overall, amazing read.

9/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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